Monday, June 10, 2013

Women's Conference 2013

Back when I was in college at BYU in 2003, I attended an event.  It was random how I went, but the impact has stuck with me over these many years.

That event was Women's Conference.

It is held each year at BYU in Provo, Utah.

A few months ago, I came across the pamphlet I received at Women's Conference back in 2003, and notice how many notes I took.  There were A LOT.  Granted, that was back when I was in note-taking mode as a college student, but still.  A LOT.

Finding this pamphlet reminded me of how much I loved that experience.  So I decided this coming year...I would go once again.  10 years later. :)

After a lot of planning to work out kids and schedules in order to peel myself away for 2 whole days, I arrived here.

And found within the first 5 minutes of being there; that every effort, thought, and frustration to get there was worth it.  

I LITERALLY walked in.  Saw this:

And felt my heart start to swell.  Thousands of amazing women gathered together to be uplifted, strengthened, and inspired to go home and strive to be better and strengthen others.  Truly incredible.

The speaker's words touched my heart and tears were staining my cheeks within minutes!

My heart and mind were wide open and ready to receive.  And boy did I ever receive.  

I came home that night full.  Full of energy, inspiration, and determination to follow the promptings I had felt.

The second day my dear mom joined me!  To be with her was so neat.  It is seldom that I get to be with my mom alone.  To just talk to her.  Just us.  I realized that we need to do this more.  I need to be with her more.

What an edifying experience this was.  I have determined to try to go every year.  I come home filled to the brim and ready to face any challenge that comes my way, because I am reminded so deeply that my Savior is there with me every step.

I feel Him at Women's Conference.

And even though I am not in college note-taking mode anymore, I took even more notes than last time. ;)

Just now those notes me a lot more, because I realize they are impressions I need to remember and apply.  I recognized them as promptings from the Spirit.

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