Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Party Weekend at Grandma's

Last weekend, Trev went to Moab to try out his new mountain bike with the boys...and the kids and I went up to Logan to visit my family for my nephew's 4th birthday party!  

The night before the big fiesta, my little sister Jessica, her friend Hannah, and I went to see The HUNGER Games!!  Ahhhhh!!!  It was sooo good!  Here we are just before it started, bursting with excitement! :)  

Oh Katniss, bless your heart!  My personal favorite part was when Woody Harrelson walks out on screen as Haymitch!!  It was hilarious...but he actually did a REALLY good job. :)  Just quite unexpected for me.  LOL!

The next morning Jessica and I took the kids to the park nearby while everyone else got ready for the party.  No pictures of this, just have to comment how much I love to see my kids playing with their cousins.  Cousins have such a natural bond.  So sweet.

Next up, PARTY TIME!  The plan was to have a BBQ lunch and then do cake, ice cream, and presents.  But I don't think the party officially started until Caden's (birthday boy) uncle showed up with a bounce house for the kids!  They were in HEAVEN, as I am sure you can imagine.

(birthday boy - Caden Alexander Buchannan)

This was also a great toy for the adults because we could just hang out and watch the kids enjoy themselves.  There were lots of friends and family in attendance so it was fun to have the kids occupied so we could all chat too.

In the meantime, we had the BBQ group manning the grill.  

Once it was all ready, we rushed the kids in, fed them delicious food and then were onto cake.  Caden is a Power Rangers' fan so a Power Rangers' cake was a must! :)

Caden apparently didn't like our singing voices. ;)

Needless to say the cake was gobbled up within minutes.  And for the grand finale...PRESENTS!
I didn't get too many pictures of this, but let me just say that little boy scored for his birthday!  Lucky kid.

Here is the boy of the hour's nice mom (and my sister) who put this all together for him, along with her boyfriend, Phil.  

And my parents who were nice enough to host and feed all of us. :)  Aren't they sweet?!

After all the hoopla of the party, and Morgan finding a friend to pal around with in Logan (named Megan...can you say meant to be??) the kids and I went to visit my Grandma Moores at her nursing home.  I sure love this lady!

We took her some of her favorite flowers, roses, and Abby tried to brush her teeth.  Isn't that nice?  Too bad she wears dentures. :)  Grandma was nice enough to pretend not to mind. :)

This is when Abby climbed up on her and said, "say AHHH."  

Claire had her own entertainment...doesn't everyone do this at health care facilities?

This lady is pretty special to me.  She and my late grandfather shouldered a lot of the job of raising myself and my siblings.  I think I got my strong-will and love for the gospel from her, among other things.  
My grandparents lived across the street from us ever since I can remember until they moved in with us when I was 16.  My dear grandpa is at his Heavenly home, but I look forward to seeing him again one day.  This precious gal, however, I can still visit with, so we try to see her every chance we get.
Love you grandma. XOXO

After a bit with grandma we headed back home.  It is always so nice to get extended family time.  I sure love my family!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Kasey, I love seeing you with your family in Logan. And I love seeing everyone sitting on the porch in rocking chairs. My family always sits on chairs and benches on my parents front porch, it just seems like a normal thing to do. But I feel like you hardly ever see people doing it. Sooooo... to see it made me happy!!! Your family is adorable.