Friday, March 1, 2013

Love Day 2013

So I am a bit behind in my blogging, but that is okay because February is such a busy month in our home that I feel accomplished just getting through it. :)  Lots of fun things to share!

Each year, this is what we have going:

Feb 14th - Worldwide Love Day
Feb 15th - President's Day Weekend
Feb 16th - Trev and I's Wedding Anniversary
           Coupled with Morgan's Birthday
Feb 26th - My Birthday

Add those events to the already busy schedule we keep around here and things get pretty wild. :)

So although I may be behind in blogging about it all, I do have the get ready for documenting overload!

Let's begin with Love Day 2013(aka Valentine's).  I like the term Love Day better...much more inclusive.  Everyone has someone that they love or loves them. :)

Here is what the Love-Fest consisted of in our house.

A couple things that I learned and that stuck out to me this Love Day:

1. Holidays are just as fun without nearly as much candy.  I have been learning this lesson over time.  One I am "love"ing!

2. It is nice to have a day where you just think about those that you love and try your darndest to find ways to show that love.

3. Don't forget my Valentine.  Often holidays become all about the kids.  This day is for me and my honey.  Next year, spend more time thinking of ways to show my love to him rather than focusing on the kids. :)

4. Don't make holidays too involved.  I just wind up spent by the end of the day.  Simplify and do things that really matter.

5. Love is an action.  If you love someone, don't assume they know.  Show them.  That is my favorite message of this special day.

Hope you all had a great Love Day.  We sure felt the love. :) 

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