Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Beauty of the Everyday.

I have about a bazillion other things I "should" blog about, but tonight I am recording these thoughts before I forget them.

Today was a normal day.  Nothing big or exciting.  Often these are the days that I feel just pass by, and often go unnoticed.  The big events in life are always documented. They are always celebrated.  Which is important.  But less appreciated is the beauty that comes into our lives each and every day. The beauty that melts into our homes mostly without us even knowing.  Today was that day.

Again, don't be shocked when there is no big event to share.  Remember this post is about the "everyday."

I started my morning out like this:

Just about every Tues, Thurs, and Saturday I run.  Outside.  With my girlfriends.  We talk, laugh, share, struggle to climb hills, and just enjoy doing hard things together.  This has been our pattern for years now.  Esther, Heather, and Sara know me better than most people.  It is amazing the things you share on a long run.  Things that you would normally keep inside.  We talk about life, family, callings, everything.  I love these amazing women and am so grateful to have them in my life.  They inspire me.  They believe in me.  They give me the benefit of the doubt.  They are true friends.  I always know when I go running with them, that it will be a good day.

What a gem this is in my life.  Beauty #1.

Beauty #2:  After going on a walk with Jake and Daisy to talk about his upcoming birthday wishes, I came home to find this.

Those are Chocolate Milk bubbles in case you were wondering.  Kids find joy in the tiniest things!  How I love and admire their adventurous spirits.  So ready and eager to experience anything and everything.   

Beauty #3: Breakfast was in full swing by this time, and when I run I seem to eat better that day.  Here is what I had.  

Healthy food keeps me feeling strong and confident.  When I eat crappy, I feel it.  Fast!  How grateful I am that in our home we have a plethora of healthy, delicious food.  How grateful I am that I have a healthy body.

The remainder of the beauties of the day went like this:
1. A trip to Hapari to get some new swimsuits at 40% off!  And I loved the way they fit!  
2. Picked up my girls from Preschool, watched them enjoy some candy and playing in the backyard.
3. Went to the store to pick up Soccer treats, a few groceries, and finalize my kids' teacher appreciation gifts.  The girls were happy the whole time.
4. Folded some laundry from my new high efficiency washer/dryer.  Oh they are beautiful!
5. Tried some new recipes for dinner - Vegetarian Sweet Potato Chili, Garlic Wheat French Bread, and Cranberry-Feta Salad.  They turned out so great!  I sat at dinner just noticing how good food brings families together.  Dinnertime is truly sacred.  I plan to make new recipes more!

6.  Listened to my Abby sing all the words to "Love is Spoken Here" as she casually played dress up.
7.  After some prodding, watched Jake be sweet to his sisters instead of teasing them.  He THOROUGHLY enjoys teasing them.
8.  Cooked and chatted with my ML.
9.  Cleaned up the kitchen while Trev and the kids worked/played in the yard.
10.  Listened to beautiful music.
11.  Read Green Eggs and Ham to Jake while snuggled next to him in his bed.

Like I said, normal.  Every day.  Nothing earth-shattering.  I was just blessed to see the beauty and joy in it.  

I feel immense gratitude tonight as I reflect on this day.  How grateful I am for the every day.  How grateful I am that I was able to see, notice, and appreciate the beauty in it today.


Heidi said...

You outlined a very nice day.

Lindsay and Mike said...

Such a great post. It's important to remember that each day is awesome & wonderful in its own little way.