Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Moment to Honor Motherhood - Mother's Day 2013

There is no better career in the world than that of a Mother.  

She is the center of the home.  She is the nurturer.  Not that men can't nurture but let's face it, over all...women have this down!

Motherhood teaches me things I didn't even know I needed to learn.  It teaches me about who I really am, and what is really important in life.  

I am blessed to stay home and be my kids mom.

A title I hold dear.

I love being a Mother.  Especially since I have the best kids!  In my humble opinion. :)

I mean really, who wouldn't want this???!!!

I am truly grateful to my Heavenly Father, who has entrusted me with 4 of His precious little ones.  

I often make mistakes.  Like every-day-kind-of-often.  But I try to learn from them.  I try to be better.  I try to help my kids be better.  I try to be a wife first, and a mother second.

I have a wonderful mother of my own.  She taught me how to serve, love, give, feel for others, and work hard.  She is an angel.  I love her deeply.  It grows stronger all the time.

My grandmother taught me to be strong.  Honor faith.  Be obedient.  Stand up for what is right, even if it is not popular.  How grateful I am to her for her strength.  Something that I see in myself.

I also have a wonderful Mother-in-Law whom I adore!  She is honestly one of the most Christlike people I know.  She raised the man of my dreams and I can't express enough how grateful I am for that.

Motherhood is grand.  Mothering children, whether our own or those precious children around us is rewarding, and worth every effort.

Motherhood is a career that affects the past, present, and future.

Happy Mother's Day to all those who mother!

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