Thursday, January 17, 2013

A New Year, New Goals, and a New Word

It has begun.

We are well into the beginning of 2013.  I have said this before but I LOVE January.  The feeling of renewal, recommitting,  and the energy of starting something new just permeates my whole being!

This year is no different.  And boy, oh boy, do I have lots of things I want to recommit to and start fresh. :)  My poor husband probably thinks I get a little carried away...which I probably do, but that is ok with me.  Is it that bad to want to be so much better??? :)

Good thing life is long, because I have big plans for it. :)

Let's start with the kids and family goals.

The Daily Chart system we have been using to teach the kids how to work hard, is working like a charm!  I truly love it because it is simple, yet effective.  It lends to tons of life lessons we want them learning - responsiblity, accountability, hard work, the joy of a clean and orderly home, self-discipline, how to earn and manage money, how to save and put the Lord first in financial matters, the list goes on and on and on.  "Daily Jobs" being the vehicle for that learning.  

So what are we adding?  Putting their goal charts on the opposite side of the page from their Daily Charts so that they will think about these each day, Scripture reading time to count for a portion of their required reading minutes each day, Family Scripture Study at 7:30 am each morning (instead of at a random time, usually during breakfast when there are lots of interruptions) , pre-prayer discussions on what we should express gratitude for and what we need that day (as opposed to the same repeated prayers the kids usually offer).

They sure came up with some great things themselves to work on.

I wonder when I should start having the little girls do these charts as well?  Not yet.  I am not ready to try and keep up on that yet.  Which at their age, that is exactly what it would be. :)

Trev is always really self-evaluative, but I usually don't know the "specifics" of what he is focusing on.  I just know a couple things he has been talking a lot about include decreasing his sugar intake, getting training for his races he has coming up fast, and focusing on priorities.  Prioritizing family and personal growth over a "fun" lifestyle.

Now for me.  Getting comfortable.  This might take a while. :)

This year my new "word" I will be focusing on is:


I am not certain the full range of what this means, but I do know that I felt strongly that this is what my Heavenly Father wants me to think about this year.

Last year it was "Positive" and that was sooo beneficial for me.  Thinking back on how much that word helped me makes me really excited to see what my new word has in store.

Here is what I think it means so far:
1.  Receive and embrace light in my life.
2. Be a light to others around me.
3. Eat light.  
4. Help make others' burdens light.
5. Let my light shine, don't hide it.
6. Look for light in my life that I may have overlooked.
7. Capture more light in my photography.
8. Last, and definately the most important one, come to know better the source of all light - 
My Savior.

I feel like my Heavenly Father wants me to come closer to my Savior by studying light.

Like I said, I am unsure of what this will entail.  I am unsure as to what turns, climbs, and drops this roller coaster might take.  And although I am a little nervous, I am excited to see what this year of "LIGHT" will bring.

I am ready.  I hope. :)


Cameron, Jenny and Family said...

Kasey you're so neat! You really are one amazing, insightful, spiritual woman. I love how you have helped your children create their own goals and I love your yearly word. So cool! I need to do better about creating goals and ways to better mine and my family's life. I get way too comfy sometimes and just stay in that spot. It is always good to better our lives and you've reminded me to find ways to do that. I love your focus on "light"… so many great directions to take. Thank you for sharing your light!

Lindsay and Mike said...

You guys are great to set goals & actually write them down. Way to go!

Abbie @ lovinourchaos said...

Kasey, I am one of your followers and wanted to let you know that I awarded you with the Liebster Award for cool blogs. Come on over to my blog to find out the details.