Friday, April 6, 2012

"I'm Sorry" Cookies

This morning I woke up late to snow.  Not what I anticipated, or wanted.  But I shook it off, and then emerged into the already-in-progress morning routine.  Breakfast, beds, jobs, scriptures, shuffling, etc.  Morgan was excited about her upcoming field trip, and was moving along in her work quickly.  She even had time for me to curl her hair...not a frequent occurence.  She is usually my "last minute rusher" trying to squeeze in all her stuff before she has to leave.  But not today...there was NO WAY she was going to be late today.  

Jake on the other hand....well.  

My mood was fine, until it happened.

Jakester had been sort of working, sort of dawdling.  He thought he was almost ready to go, it was 5 minutes before he needed to leave when I informed him that he had missed some places in vacuuming the living room.  He needed to come vacuum them again.  He stated that he had vacuumed them, I informed him that they did not look like they had been covered.  He fell apart.  A few seconds passed and he was laying on the floor, face-down, kicking and screaming.   

Immediately I felt my blood-boiling.  I had been extra lenient with this boy over the week, letting things slide because I was trying to pick my battles.  But this just sent me over the edge.  I had had enough.  He lost his temper, and I lost mine.  It wasn't pretty. :(  

He left for school, carpool waiting and Morgan urging frequently that she needed to leave RIGHT AWAY so she wouldn't be late, my anger still kindled, and tears in his eyes.

After he left, tears came to my eyes as I realized that I had handled that situation badly.  I let my emotions take over and influence my reaction, instead of calming thinking through the situation and handling it accordingly.  I felt bad, and still do as I write this.  I just HATE sending my kids off into the world, and off to their day sad.  I did kiss his tear-stained cheeks and told him I loved him before he left, but still.  I just hate that.

So what does a mom do when she needs to say sorry.  She says it, and also does this...

Bakes "I'm Sorry" Cookies when the perpetrator gets home so that he can see that she really is a nice mom who loves him dearly.

The girls get to reap the spoils.  But this happy boy's face tells me I am forgiven and all is forgotten.

If only I was as good at forgiveness as my children are.  

I sure love this boy...and I am glad he loves his mom...warts and all.

1 comment:

Lindsay and Mike said...

Cute idea. I may have to try to do this next time I lose my temper. I have to say *try* because chances are I'll burn them...even if they are no bake cookies. :)