Friday, September 23, 2011

"I wanna go Potty."

I have to share this because my heart is just BURSTING with joy right now!  Claire just came in the office, butt-naked mind you (she takes of her diaper CONSTANTLY), and said to me, "I wanna go potty."  I figured this was just another one of those moments where she would tell me that, we would go sit on the potty for a couple of minutes and nothing would happen.  NOT THIS TIME!!!  She got on the potty and IMMEDIATELY started going pee!!!!  AHHHH!!!!  SHE IS GETTING IT!!!  HOORAYY!!!!  can you sense my excitement? :)I tried to call Trev but he didn't answer so I am sharing my excitement with all you mom's out there instead. :) 
I love these moments in motherhood. :) 

Now mind you, I know this won't likely be the last of the diapers.  I am sure we will have our share of messes, but it is soooo nice to see progress. :)  Hopefully Abby will see Claire do it, and then she will want to also.  Could I really be somewhat close to not changing diapers anymore???  What a lovely thought. :)


CL said...

Hooray- Congratulations!

Lindsay and Mike said...

Yay! We just got Cohen potty trained & I love only having one in diapers again! Soooo nice!!!