Thursday, April 9, 2015

Introducing Eliza Jill Lighten

Here she is.

Eliza Jill Lighten.  Born March 31, 2015.

An angel straight from heaven and all those that love her there, to our family - who love and adore her here.

She is sweet.  Tender.  Pure.

And so curious about this place she has been waiting so long to come to.

From the moment she arrived those big eyes have been watching, scanning, focusing, and taking everything in.  She is just constantly learning.  

Oh how I wish she could talk and share her thoughts of what she is experiencing.

A few things we have learned about her so far.

1. She is so so sweet.  We are all smitten with her.  

2. She also has some spice.  When she is unhappy, we all feel it.

But mostly she is snuggly and happy.

She did have a little bout with colic at the beginning, which made a lot of nights pretty long.  Especially for me because I seemed to be the only one that could comfort her.  And sometimes not.

Thankfully it didn't last too long.

Even those rough moments, however, just bonded us even more.  

Oh how we love this little precious little one.

Our little caboosey baby.

And seriously, get a load of those lips!

Heartmelter, right?!


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