Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why I love being a mother...

I just want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am to be a mother. I am convinced that Heavenly Father has blessed Trev and I with some of his most precious and choice spirits. Our children bring such joy into our lives and our world revolves around them. I just hope that I enjoy these tender moments in my life so that I don't look back and regret that I didn't. Morgan is the sweetest, most tender-hearted little girl. She is beautiful, intelligent, super-duper sweet, loving, and funny too. She melts my heart and I just think that Heavenly Father knew how perfectly she would fit into our lives. I am grateful for her thoughtful spirit and her example to me of Christ-like love. If only I can learn to be more like her. And my sweet boy, Jake. What can I say...he is ALL boy and I LOVE it! He is such an active, rowdy little guy that when he takes the time to just sit and snuggle (not often) I just melt. From day one he has always been a daddy's boy, but lately I have definately made up some ground! He is also sooo funny! He knows when he has an audience and he works the crowd like mad. We have people telling us all the time what a cool kid he is. From what I understand, he pretty much runs the nursery every Sunday and keeps the Nursery leaders in stitches. The other side of him I absolutely adore is that he has a loving heart as well. He ADORES his "sissy." If and when, he gets hurt he always wants to cuddle and won't be satisfied until we kiss his "ouchies" better. He is constantly showing me that I need to enjoy life. He is just the happiest, fun, out-going little guy and I just LOVE that about him. As you can see, I am a very blessed woman and that's not even mentioning how wonderful my sweet husband is. I could go on and on about him too. I just love my life and am so grateful that Heavenly Father provides us so much happiness in a life that is supposed to be difficult. I have learned a lot more about my Heavenly parents by becoming a parent myself. I love my family and I LOVE my Heavenly Father for bringing them into my life and creating so much joy for me.


CL said...

Your kids are getting so big!! We will be in Vegas until August- I'm hoping until just before education week because Kiley gets paid by the week but right now he's supposed to be done the very beginning of August. Kiley and I have said several times we need to get together with you guys- but obviously didn't do much about it. We'll let you know when we get back to Provo so we can plan something!

Jilene said...

Hi Kasey~ Of course I remember you. I check your blog occasionally, but have never commented because I wasn't sure you would remember me. Anyhow, we are doing well. the girls are getting big and life is great. We live in Boise now and just love it. It's funny because right after you had Jake (not sure when he was born, but I know he was a baby) I think it was around November, I actually saw you and Trev walk into a BYU basketball game with Morgan and your little guy. He had a BYU blanket on and that's how I knew you had a little boy. So congrats even though I have never met him either. I'll add you in and keep checking! Thanks for writing!

kimbo said...

I love the positive posts about being a mom. It's refreshing to hear every now and then. :) We'll be in CT for two years and then we'll probably return to the west somewhere, but we don't know yet. Let us know if you are ever visiting the east coast... or if you want to just come and stay with us, we'd love to have you!

Faith said...

Oh, you're way too nice. I loved your Mothering comments. It's so easy to get caught up in the long days. I am trying to stop and enjoy more lately! We are coming in the first week of July for sure for my sis baby's blessing. I promise we will call ya! Miss you guys tons.The kids are gorgeous!

Valarie said...

Can you be any sweeter? What a great post - you're such a cute mom, and I totally admire that quality in you!

Kata said...

OK! WHOA! YOu are a precious, darling mother. It just excites me to hear about all your love for your family, the plan of salvation- its just the most perfect plan! You are just an inspriation to all. I love you to pieces. It is so fun to hear about your kids. I hardly know Jake. I've only got to hold his little infant body! So I love hearing of his silly persona! you are the super bomb Mom!

Maughan"sters" said...

I love this post. I wish I could be more like you! Thanks for being such a great neighbor and friend!

Ashley and Ezra said...

Wow, can I have your kids? If I ever get some of my own, my posts will be more like Nikki's...filled with poopy walls and stepping in pee! haha
Kasey, you are such a great example to have an amazing spirit and testimony, and your love just oozzes out of you...I want to be more like you! Thanks for being so perfect!

Jodi said...

Hey Kasey! Thanks for giving us updates and looking over our home while we are gone! Im happy to hear that they started framing the house next to us. Hopefully they will be all done by the time we get home! We sure do miss our home and cute neighbors!!!!

Loni said...

I am glad you are back in the blogging game again, I love to check in on everyone and see how the kids have grown! your kids are so cute! I forget that Jake and Izza are the same age! He is too cute!!

Dave said...

Wow. I don't know quite what to say. I can't believe that I found you. This is Elder Pettey from Colorado. I pulled out my mission memory box and saw your picture and wanted to see how you are doing. Please e-mail if you get the chance ( If not, I totally understand. You have no idea how great it feels to see you doing so well in all the aspects of your life and that your testimony is so strong. I'm sure you are an exceptional mother!

Your friend (I hope still)

Elder Dave Pettey

Natalie said...

I am sooo glad you made an update! What a cute mom you are!