Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well, the Giants just had a Super-Bowl upset tonight...hopefully we will see the same thing on Super Tuesday for the Romneys!!! I encourage all of you who are voting for Mitt Romney to make sure to do for the rest of you...please stay home! :) I truly believe that Mitt can lead this country back into prosperous times and get us back on the right track. I am immensely concerned as to what the other candidates would do in the White House, both on the Republican and Democratic side. We have had enough people from Washington give it a go...why don't we try someone who has actually achieved the American dream we are all striving for! If any of you are on the fence as to who to vote for...please give me a call and I would be glad to tell you why I feel Mitt to be the right candidate! This is a very important Presidential year...let the government and the country know where you stand! GO MITT!!!


Natalie said...

Have you voted yet? I think we should get together and frost valentine cookies and vote in shifts! Remember that?? We were so lucky to have such a good group of friends.

Jenny said...

Go Kasey! I love it, love it! I agree 100% with your post. I am tempted to vote for Obama before McCain, if we were in that situation. Cross our fingers and say our prayers and tell everyone...and vote, it's a close call. Thanks for the great post.