Monday, October 5, 2015

General Conference 2015 - October

We are LDS.  We believe that God has called Apostles and Prophets in our day (just as He did in ancient times); through which He reveals truth and direction in a world that often seems like it can't find which way is up.

So when these modern-day leaders talk - we Lightens listen.

Every 6 months our church holds a big conference in downtown Salt Lake City over the first Saturday and Sunday in April and October.  All are welcomed to attend and participate - lds or otherwise.  They broadcast the proceedings worldwide through tv and the internet, send magazines the following month with all the transcripts from each talk, and even have them posted on so that they are available to any and all who want to access them.

In our home, we watch in on TV.  Together.

Growing up I always saw this weekend as a "break" from church. :)

Now I see it as an absolute feast of inspiration and guidance for my life.  I LOVE General Conference!!

In addition to the wonderful feelings we get watching conference, we also have a couple of traditions that have woven themselves into the fabric of these special weekends.

First, a scrumptious Sunday morning breakfast.  Over the years we have tried different delectable dishes like Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy and Homemade Cinnamon Rolls.  But the past few years we have pretty much stuck to the official "Lighten" Sunday morning conference breakfast of Eggs Benedict.  

This is what Trev's family always had growing up for Conference.

Oh...makes my mouth water just thinking about it. :)

Another crucial element is "Conference Bingo."  

When our kids were younger we found it SOOO hard to listen to conference because their attention spans for watching talk after talk were about the size of a gnat.  

Some wise mothers on the internet suggested trying this little game out.

It worked like a CHARM!!!

In fact, this conference in particular, I am proud to say that ALL our 4 olders listened intently to ALL 4 sessions!!!

I feel like there should be a golden medallion emoji after that statement!!  It took a very long time but we are finally to the point that all are interested and listening to the speakers.

We'll have to help Eliza learn how to do Conference Bingo in a couple years but for now it makes the experience so much more enjoyable and uplifting.

And to see my kids eating up what is being shared is just such a treat for us as parents, who desperately want our kids to listen to and follow the counsel of these wise leaders.

For me personally, I approached this conference a little differently than I have others in the past.

The whole week prior I was praying to receive specific answers to the questions I had.  Some of my questions going in where:

1 - How can I find more serenity and joy in my busy life as a mother of 5 kids?

2 - How can I keep my thoughts positive, uplifting, and edifying instead of turning negative, judgmental, and frustrated?

Here are some of the answers I received (either little thoughts and promptings from the Holy Ghost or direct instructions from Church leaders):

1 - SIMPLIFY!!  Prayfully ask for the Holy Ghost to give me specific areas and ways I can do this.

2 - Being "busy" is good for me.  An idle mind is the devil's playground.  Just make sure I am busy doing things that have eternal significance.

3 - Look for Light.  Focus on it.  Ignore the bad in situations and people.  Look for and focus on the good.

Oh how my Heavenly Father knows me.  I am just so grateful that He is so willing to teach me.

I am grateful for living prophets and apostles to share their wisdom and guidance with me.

I am grateful for General Conference.

It was a great one!

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