I wondered how long it would be before this happened to me...I have been tagged. Here are the rules and a few interesting tidbits about me... :)
1. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the following questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the tag, you have to name 5 people you are tagging. Then you leave them a comment on their blog letting them know it's their turn!
Here goes...
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Well, since my birthday is TODAY I would have been turning sweet 16 and taking my driving test! About two weeks after which I got my very first speeding ticket...:(
2. 5 things on my to do list today: Take the kids to a puppet show at the library, do a spin class at the gym, have lunch with Trev at Cafe Rio (YUM!), play with my kids, and patiently wait for all the birthday well-wishers to ring in on my cell-io! I always expect to experience a high call volume toward the evening hours... :)
3. What snacks do I enjoy? I love pretty much any baked goods, chocolate, and candy on the junk food side. On the healthy side, I am a big fruit eater. I love pretty much all kinds of fruit. I would have to say my favorites are watermelon and strawberries. Yummm....
4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire? First, I would pay off my home. Second, take a super-fun vacation. Third, make a major dent in the inventory of Nordstrom, babyGap, Pottery Barn, and Dicks' Sporting Goods. Lastly, I would buy myself a brand-spanking new Infiniti QX-56, fully-loaded of course! I would also make a fast offering donation that would blow the ward clerk's mind. :)
5. 3 bad habits: Not signaling when changing lanes (thanks to so much time driving in Utah), staying up too late, and not checking my voicemail on my cell phone (I have attempted to do better at this lately).
6. 5 Places I have lived: Centennial, Colorado; Provo, Utah; Kansas City, Missouri; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Lehi, Utah.
7. 5 jobs I have had: Hostess at Chili's; Secretary at Denver Reserve; Secretary for my Hubby (go pest control!); Sales Associate at Victoria's Secret; Photographer; and proud mother of two and homemaker!
8. 5 things people don't know about me: I can sleep right through my alarm clock if Trev doesn't wake me up. I have a secret desire to be a hip-hop dancer. I wore a fake tooth for about 3 years. I grew up in a trailer park...although, Trev likes to tell everyone that so maybe you already know. :) When I was young I had the biggest crush on Zach from Saved by the Bell (but seriously what 10 year old girl didn't?).
Okay, enough about me...I am tagging Amanda, Kim, Lindsey, Holly, and Jodi!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
My latest craft...
Okay, so I am not the biggest crafter but thanks to my sisters-in-law mentors I am learning! Seriously, my ALL the women on Trevor's side of the family are incredibly talented when it comes to crafts. I feel so amateur to let them see my work...check out http://www.craftycraftygirls.blogspot.com/ and you will see EXACTLY what I mean! :) However, thanks to their tutelage I have am proud to post my new tote purses that I made...one for me and one for Morgan's dance shoes! TA-DAAA!!! Enjoy! :)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Blogging is the BEST!!!
I just have to give a little shout-out to the blogging society! I can't believe that so many people have blogs and it is such a great way to keep in touch with everyone. I think I added like 5 families that I know to my Fav's simply by going to one persons' blog and linking up from there! It is soo fantastic!! Love, love, love it!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Well, the Giants just had a Super-Bowl upset tonight...hopefully we will see the same thing on Super Tuesday for the Romneys!!! I encourage all of you who are voting for Mitt Romney to make sure to do so...as for the rest of you...please stay home! :) I truly believe that Mitt can lead this country back into prosperous times and get us back on the right track. I am immensely concerned as to what the other candidates would do in the White House, both on the Republican and Democratic side. We have had enough people from Washington give it a go...why don't we try someone who has actually achieved the American dream we are all striving for! If any of you are on the fence as to who to vote for...please give me a call and I would be glad to tell you why I feel Mitt to be the right candidate! This is a very important Presidential year...let the government and the country know where you stand! GO MITT!!!
"My Prophet..."
I would like to take a moment and just express my love for President Hinckley. As probably most of you already know, he passed away this last Sunday at the age of 97. For those of you who are not of my LDS faith, you probably did not know him that well, or at all for that matter. But for those of you who did know him, I am sure you will agree that he will be sorely missed. I am so happy for him to be reunited with his sweet wife, Marjorie, his Savior, and his eternal Father in Heaven. Considering the life he lead, I can only imagine that that reunion must have been very sweet. He was a kind, loving man and an example of Christ-like love to all those he came into contact with. I never met him personally, but I feel as though I know him and I look forward to the day when I can meet him in the eternities. He truly is and probably always will be "my prophet." We love you President Hinckley!

#1 Mom Award goes to me...

These pics are from a long time ago...DON'T WORRY this is not a new haircut!!! I just now have gotten around to scrapbooking it...
When Morgan was about 2 her hair would just not grow. So I asked my friend (who was hairstylist) what I could do...she said if I cut it, it would grow. So I did and well...just click on the page, read the journaling and you will see what happened...
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