Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

This morning, while running I had a truckload of inspiration.  I wanted to record it quick before other matters  began to crowd it out in my mind.

Last night, after leaving our Lighten family Halloween party, something happened.  Immediately upon getting in the car to drive home, complaints started!  Here these kids had just had a fun party, lots of candy, costumes, the whole nine-yards laid out for them, but what is the first response when it was over?  complaint.  

How disappointing I thought.

In addition, while collecting last minute things for Halloween yesterday at Target, I experienced one of my biggest pet peeves - how the stores start putting up Christmas stuff even before Halloween!  I get so bugged that each year, one of the BEST holidays of the year gets ignored.  The one where we are supposed to be focused on the blessings we have, not the things we don't.  

Hearing my kids complain just topped it all off.  So this morning while running I realized something.  An attitude of gratitude needs to be cultivated in my life and my family.  Thanksgiving is coming, what a perfect month to focus on gratitude.

So here is the inspiration I received.

1.  Use the whole month of November to count our blessings.  Record each on  a slip of paper from each member of the family at dinner each night.  Connect those papers to make a chain.  String the chain throughout the house.  Watch it grow.  Comment on how it grows.  Watch for how focusing on the blessings in our lives affects how we treat each other, our conversations, our lives.  

2.  Invite others in our family to join the quest?  With everything going on as a result of a recent tragedy, Trev's family has a lot to murmur about.  Encourage everyone to be grateful.  Invite them to join the experiment.  Link all our chains at Thanksgiving or Christmas?

3.  Get a white board and write inspirational quotes on it.  Post it in kitchen.  

4.  Update Lighten Family Motto: 
          "Love & Lighten"

5.  Spearhead this by being grateful myself.  Change myself and watch how others react.  Do they change?

I will start now.  I am grateful for my Heavenly Father who loves me.  Who knows me.  Who watches over me.  Who understands me.  Who sent His Son to die for me.  Who hears and answers my prayers, both silent and aloud.  Who sends just the inspiration I need at that moment.  My heart is full this morning.  I know with my Savior's help, I can do anything.  I can do this!

It's going to be a great month...I can feel it.

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